<aside> <img src="/icons/light-bulb_orange.svg" alt="/icons/light-bulb_orange.svg" width="40px" /> This is a template for booting up your academic writing in a month by writing a paragraph every day for 30 days. This guide contains the basic idea, suggestions for aims and activities and a 🗓️ Notion template for keeping track of writing or even to do the writing itself.



🗓️ Writing Diary Notion Template

If you just want the template, download it and use it.

<aside> <img src="/icons/save_red.svg" alt="/icons/save_red.svg" width="40px" /> Download the free template here.


📕 Why paragraph a day for a month

This idea was inspired by Thomas Basboll’s Writing Process Reengineering and his recent project on writing a paragraph a day on his blog Inframethodology (cbs.dk).

Everybody wants to improve their writing but can never find the time or a place to start. This guide gives you both because:

  1. Paragraph is a manageable goal for regular writing
  2. Paragraph is something you can build bigger pieces of writing from

Successful academic writers are all different but what they have in common is that they found a way to develop:

  1. Good writing habits: Places and times they write
  2. Writing competence: Ability to write what they want to say
  3. Writing companions: Being around people who do share the same experience as them
  4. Writing enjoyment: A way to feel good about their writing (even if they don’t think of it as fun)

And it takes about a month to:

  1. Develop a durable habit