
Drafts of proposals for thinking about AI competence and adoption frameworks.

Contact [email protected] with questions.

Competence Framework

Framework test

Link to a document for comments:


Overview of framework

Novice Apprentice Practitioner Expert
Tool knowledge Minimal (ChatGPT) Limited details (ChatGPT + 1) Chooses appropriately Articulates details and differences
Information sources Media/friends Inconsistent engagement beyond media Consistent engagement, no media sources Contributes new knowledge
Usage frequency Tries sporadically Tests and occasional, doesn't integrate Integrated into workflows Extensive, cross-case
Prompting Conversational only Tries engineering Applies principles Expert, contributes new
Output perception Uncritical Overestimates or underestimates Appropriately critical Leverages hallucination
Integration None Limited areas Wide workflow Complete workflow + APIs

Contributions to competence

Quality of performance	Independence of performance	Fluency of performance	Accuracy of performance
Quality of mental models	Ability to identify good and bad examples of practice	Ability to make useful inferences	Ability to name key concepts and actors
Ability to respond to change	Ability to engage with sources of information	Ability to serve as a resource for others	Quality of personal learning network

Code of Conduct for AI Literacy Experts

Code of Conduct for AI Literacy and Policy Practitioners

AI Use Task Cards

Task card document

Link to a document for comments:


Task card presentation


Video recording of AI Task Cards presentation


Presentation for Kent Digitally Enhanced Education Webinars in March 2024

Five questions to ask about AI applications